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January and February 2019 Announcements

News to Know: 

Memorials: Donations were made in the memory of Jackie Taglia, Jan Pendergrass, Carolyn Dorgelo, and Charlotte Lahr.

2019 Membership Renewals: In January we will be starting our quarterly membership renewals for 2019. If you receive a reminder notice in the mail please take the time to support Sarett. Membership is a vital part of the nature center’s budget. If you have not renewed, please take a moment to do so. Thank you to all who renewed their memberships in 2018. It is greatly appreciated!

Pay Online: It’s easy! Sarett can accept payments for memberships, donations, animal sponsorships and trips online. Just visit our website,, click on Make Payment, click to Pay Now and enter the Online Payment Portal where you can create a user name and password to start your account or make a quick payment by clicking the “Pay Online” button and follow the instructions.