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Sarett September 2020 News to Know


Sarett Nature Center’s trails remain open and free of charge to the community during these challenging times. The board and staff of Sarett strongly believe access to nature is important for people’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The nature center building will remain closed until our region enters phase five of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. Sarett naturalists are hard at work developing social distance-appropriate programming for schools and families as well as maintaining trails, caring for ambassador animals, documenting the plants and animals of Sarett’s natural communities, and much more!

A New Tree House Overlook

Come enjoy our renovated Tree House Tower! Support from a “Heart of Cook” grant made it possible to replace our old tower that was over 40 years old and well overdue for a remodel. A big thank you to the volunteers who designed and built this beauty: Mike Chinski, Mark Dykstra, Charlie Kosup, and John Mitchell.

Despite being distracted by prothonotary warblers and blue-gray gnatcatchers flitting over their heads, the volunteers were able to focus on their work – even when masked due to COVID-19! Whatever your focus, this tower offers a fun perspective of the surrounding wetlands.

The volunteers enjoyed the opportunity for outdoor camaraderie during the pandemic and already have plans for replacing the tower at the end of our River Trail.

Looking to join in on the fun? Contact the office and find out how you can join in.

MEMORIALS: Donations were given in memory of Kitty Bailey, Doris A Greer, Jackie Taglia, and Wendell Parsons.

HONORARIUMS: A donation was given in honor of Phoebe Heenan’s 5th birthday.

2020 Membership Renewals: Fourth quarter membership renewal reminders will go out the first week of October. If you receive a reminder notice in the mail please take the time to support Sarett. Membership is a vital part of the nature center’s budget. If you have not renewed, please take a moment to do so.

Pay Online: Wanting to renew your membership, gift a membership, or make a donation? Use our membership and donation pages on our website. It is secure and very easy to use. Just type in your information, pay and submit.

Amazon Smile: As you shop online, please think of Sarett. If you go to Amazon Smile, you can choose Sarett Nature Center as your choice organization to donate 0.5% of your purchases. Every little bit helps keep us going.

Thank you! Thank you to all of our members who renewed their memberships this summer and who made donations to help Sarett. It really warms our hearts to know that our community has our back in a time of need. We really could not maintain the trails, the building, the animals, and the butterfly house without all of you. You are the heart of Sarett Nature Center! Our sincere gratitude to all of you.