
Volunteers are a very important and necessary part of our staff at Sarett Nature Center. They function in all aspects of our daily operations as well as helping out with our many special events. Whether your interests include leading school group tours, following at the end of a line of children, answering the telephone and greeting visitors, or more physically demanding tasks like trail building, repair and maintenance or steering a replica of a 34-foot voyageur canoe, we need your help!

For more information call us at (269) 927-4832 or contact us through our email at volunteer@sarett.org. Thank you!

John & Jannine Lee helping during a “snowy” Spring Stampde

Caroline Duncan volunteers in the Butterfly House during the summer

Volunteer Opportunities

Animal Care We have several volunteers that come in on a regular basis to feed animal ambassadors and clean their enclosures. Great way for students to gain vet or zoology experience.

Butterfly House Enjoy the tranquil setting of the Butterfly House and greet visitors throughout the summer. This opportunity is a huge help for staff as someone is needed in the Butterfly House at all times.


Enjoy working with youth? Join one of our classes year round as a field trip chaperone. Great way to learn from one of our naturalists. Great way for students to gain experience as a teacher. Must be at least 16 years old to participate.

Habitat Restoration/Stewardship:

Take an active role in making natural areas more healthy, biodiverse places. Learn important plant identification in the process! Great for students interested in careers in environmental science or ecology.

Weekly Wednesday Meet-Up: 2-4pm & Monthly meet ups 1:00-3:00

Trail Maintenance:

Help provide an enjoyable experience for visitors by assisting staff with weed removal, tree pruning, splitting wood, and mulch work. Great experience for students interested in forestry.

Special Events:

Helping with Sarett’s various special events throughout the year is a really fun way to volunteer! Whether it is Halloween, the Winter Bazaar, the Spring Stampede or the Family Festival, help is needed with activities, crafts, or donating food and drinks for the events.