Black’s Woods consists of 20 acres of mature oak-hickory, beech maple, and white pine trees. This woodlot has its boundary to the north by the Paw Paw River, to the east by the city of Coloma, and Wilson Road to the south. Naturalists from Sarett were excited to find this woodlot where white pines towered above the other trees. By 1999 we had raised $130,000 and were able to purchase the property.

Black’s Woods has a population of barred owls, pileated woodpeckers, ruffed grouse, wood thrush and other wildlife which require large tracts of mature timber. The forest is currently a mix of climax trees such as oak-hickory and beech maple. It is significant to note that white pine exist here as a mature tree, standing tall above the other deciduous trees. In the past, white pine was always the first to be cut in a forest. The river banks are steep and northern species of vegetation exist here such as hemlock and Christmas fern. To canoe or kayak passed this area can “take your breath away” as the trees and vegetation are so beautiful.

Black’s Woods is open to the public, but does not have a parking lot. Parking must be on the side of the road. Please call the Nature Center with any questions at 269-927-4832.

Click here for the Black’s Woods Sanctuary Trail Map.

Please be respectful of our neighbors’ property when visiting Black’s Woods. Stay on the designated trail and do not trespass.