Eastern Garter Snake - Thanos

Eastern garter snakes are medium-sized snakes (2-4 feet long) with three characteristic lengthwise stripes – one on each side and one down the middle of the back – and extremely variable coloration. Background color is usually darker olive, brown or black with yellow, white, or bright green stripes. Many individuals have dark or reddish color between the stripes giving them a checkered appearance and have a light colored belly.

Eastern garter snakes are Michigan’s most common snake and can be found in a variety of habitats including woodlands, meadows, marshes, lake edges, debris piles and suburban backyards (one may be hiding under your tarp or plywood!) They show a preference for humid locations which are home to some of its favorite foods like earthworms, frogs, toads and small fish. Baby eastern garter snakes are born in litters of 6-50 in midsummer.

Thanos is Sarett’s resident Eastern garter snake, collected as a young snake and raised for education, he is a very docile snake with a calming demeanor. He often falls asleep when naturalists spend time holding him – you can tell he is resting because he stays very still for a long time and his eyes and tongue stop moving and his breathing slows just slightly. Sarett Nature Center is in possession of a Scientific Collector’s Permit issued by the DNR which allows us to obtain and own certain species of animals that we use for educating the public about many different ecological topics.