Trail Accessibility Rentals
This is a rugged machine designed to handle terrain most wheelchairs cannot. Wide tires, a powerful electric motor and extended battery life. This would handle nearly 4 miles of Sarett’s trail system. Best for people 100 lbs and higher.
This all terrain wagon is best for children or people under 100 lbs.
Rental of accessibility vehicles is free.
Accessibility vehicles may be rented for up to 3 hours.
Accessibility vehicles may be rented all year long. Winter rental is dependent on less than 2 inches of snow.
Please use the laminated map with approved trails indicated. Please do not take accessibility vehicles off approved trails.
A driver’s license will be required while renting accessibility vehicles (either the user’s license or a member of the user’s group is acceptable).
Please arrange a rental day and time online or call Sarett at 269-927-4832. Choose 0 to reach a member of the staff.